Crisis Intervention

Sabot’s involvement with veterans also include Crisis Intervention (e.g. VOICE – Veterans Outreach In Crisis Events, Veteran Mentor Project  and Programs supporting Advocacy ( e.g. Veterans Mental Health Coalition).

Our involvement with Crisis Intervention involves providing immediate support to veterans who are in distress or at risk of harm upon first contact with police officers specialized in mental health intervention for veterans or with concerned family members upon first contact. Officers and Deputies involved in VOICE are all military veterans, trained to assess the needs of veterans in crisis and connect them with our programs and other foundations and resources to ensure their safety and well-being. This includes peer support, mental health therapy, emergency housing through Operation Homecoming, and programs through PRISM.

The purpose of intervention is to prevent tragedy using a proactive approach so that those in crisis do not feel like they are on some type of waiting list and that their issues are immediately being cared for.