Through our Operation Homecoming program, Sabot Foundation helps and provides direct assistance in the Los Angeles Metro Area for at-risk and homeless veterans in collaboration with a Los Angeles-based realty group that owns/operates 11 multi-unit properties located in areas from West Los Angeles to the San Fernando Valley, totaling over 300 units. We also work with the Veterans Administration as well as veterans in The Domiciliary Care Program, the Department of Veterans Affairs oldest health care program, established through legislation passed in the late 1860’s, after the Civil War. Several of these properties have been approved through the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program (HUD-VASH). This collaboration allows us to provide housing solutions along with integrating our programs to assist veterans who are at-risk or homeless.

Operation Homecoming started as a pilot program established in 2022 by Sabot Foundation to provide direct assistance in the Los Angeles Metro Area for at-risk and homeless veterans in collaboration with a Los Angeles-based realty and development group that owns/operates 11 multi-unit properties located in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. This relationship has allowed us to permanently house over three dozen at-Risk and Homeless Veterans in permanent housing with the assistance of programs such as Rapid-Rehousing, Veteran Affairs Supported Housing Program, Grant and Per Diem Program and Supportive Services for Veteran Families . In fiscal 2023/2024 we expanded our focus on veterans with kids, women who have suffered from DV, sexual trauma, homelessness and those families who are at-risk of becoming homelessness. Women Veterans often struggle with the psychological after-effects of events such as military and MST and other barriers. Without intervention, these and other issues place women at a greater risk of homelessness. The Los Angeles County area remains as the highest concentration of homelessness in the nation. Our integration and wellness programs also serve as wraparounds for Operation Homecoming as well as our relationships for extended assistance for housing essentials.

The Foundation conducts its outreach in Los Angeles, the second-largest city in the U.S. by population and the second-largest homeless population not only for Homeless but also at-risk/homeless veterans. With our Operation Homecoming program, the foundation has assisted several veterans in these two classes in obtaining housing mostly in remodeled units or other available properties.

Our assistance does not stop at housing though. Veterans require supplemental assistance such as transportation assist, mobile communication, furnishings, medical, resume assistance, food, clothing, hygienic items, grooming etc. The additional assistance helps increase independence and self-confidence.

Sabot Foundation focuses on forging partnerships and creating relationships with local community organizations and employers who have the ability to hire Veterans in additional areas which may fit their skill sets so that they may return to competitive employment.