Sabot Foundation provides restorative retreats named VARE (Veterans Assistance Recovery and Empowerment) for participants affected by deployment exposures including PTS, MTBI and additional trauma such as MST, Loss due to suicide (Whitestar), Goldstar spouses and families, and First Responders.

Sabot’s VARE retreats run from one to four days employing an immersive experience which include a variety of integration programs in a structured setting involving professional supporters. The retreats are designed to assist veterans of all eras, combat veterans, special operations, female veterans, veteran spouses, LEO’s, White Star and Gold Star families with a variety of service related traumas. The Primary purpose of our integration events and retreats are to provide an environment where individuals can reconnect and create balance in a supportive environment. Our retreats are specifically tailored for these specialized communities unlike other retreats, utilizing a wide range of modalities specifically tailored for members of these communities with other like-minded individuals who have served in these occupations and can share experiences. We employ our PRISM module into these events. Sabot Foundation has been involved in over 115 events since 2017 across several states as an outreach tool for those in need while promoting healthier options, cultivate a balanced fulfilling life, prioritize self care in the areas of suicide prevention, suicide awareness and suicide ideation.

Participants walk away equipped with the support of a tight knit group of their peers and effective techniques to overcome the symptoms associated with PTS and suicidal ideations. Some of the techniques reinforced include journaling, affirmations, CBT, breathwork, meditation, yoga, sound therapy and art therapy.